Here’s to saying ‘NO' all over.
Fast fashion dominates and causes sustainability to take a back seat, and it's more important than ever to stand firm in our values. In a world where ‘NO’ is often seen as negative, we embrace it as a powerful tool for transformation.
With the design of the ‘NO all over’ print we illustrate the different times that we say NO. The handwritten ‘all over’ words are individually drawn and symbolize taking no shortcuts.
NO to Harmful Chemicals
New Optimist only works with 100% natural materials, so it only makes sense to say NO to traditional screen-printing methods that use harmful chemicals. We found the sustainable answer: YES Twee Jongens and YES water-based ink.
We're excited to present our collab with Twee Jongens who made sure that the final result is without compromises on quality or durability.
NO lost connections
Outsourcing production to distant factories has become routine for many brands. However, at New Optimist, we recognize the value of maintaining close connections with our local partners. Twee Jongens is the perfect example. They are an 8-minute bicycle ride away from our NO-kledingfabriek. Founder Melle de Jong ensures us time after time that every garment meets our high standards, and kindly invites us to NOT be a stranger and pass by whenever we like.
Their hands-on approach to production is 100% illustrated in the ‘making of’-video.
NO concessions!
This print is all about maximum effect of design choices, celebrating local partnerships and minimum environmental impact by staying close to home and not using harmful materials.
We want to thank Twee Jongens for saying ‘NO all over’ with us.
TAP TO SHOP and say NO.